Changelog ========= Version 2018.9.19 ----------------- - No external files needed for SIR - Coupling of parameters - Use other optimization algorithms - Check that initial parameters are inside the range if not inverted - Masks - Save chi2 for each cycle - Comment on virtual environments - Explain better how atmospheres are defined in Hazel - Randomization - Error bars - Allow to invert magnetic fields in the LOS or vertical reference frames - Instrumental profile - More tests added - Output AIC and BIC Version 2018.9.22 ----------------- - Elapsed time per pixel is now part of the standard output when doing multipixel inversions - Pixels with numerical problems during inversion are now ignored. - A set of tools for generating observations and model atmospheres for input have been developed. To do ----- - Add even more tests (avoid warnings) - Sparse regularization of maps : change order of loops -> 1 LM (x,y) -> regularization - Regularization of parameters - In synthesis, all atmospheres have to have the same number of pixels - Add utilities for generating new SIR models - Show an example for inverting a random distribution of points to be inverted and then start from an interpolation of these maps to be closer to the solution - Develop tools to easily manage input/output models so that multiinversions are easy to do. - Check that output and input models are compatible so that reinversions can be easily done - Precalculate coefficients for the emission/absorption coefficients using sparse matrices and use them later on the calculation. This will avoid many of the loops that are, by construction, zero. - Programmatic inversions