2.2. Using the code

2.2.1. Programmatically

For simple calculations, like synthesizing spectral lines in simple models, Hazel v2.0 can be used in programmatic mode. For instance, let us generate a spectral window in the near-infrared and synthesize the He I 10830 A line with some parameters.

import hazel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mod = hazel.Model(working_mode='synthesis')
mod.add_spectral({'Name': 'spec1', 'Wavelength': [10826, 10833, 150], 'topology': 'ch1',
    'LOS': [0.0,0.0,90.0], 'Boundary condition': [1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]})
mod.add_chromosphere({'Name': 'ch1', 'Spectral region': 'spec1', 'Height': 3.0, 'Line': '10830', 'Wavelength': [10826, 10833]})

f, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2)
ax = ax.flatten()

for j in range(5):
    # Vector of parameters are (Bx,By,Bztau,v,deltav,beta,a) and then the ff

    for i in range(4):

As you see, we first generate the Hazel model for synthesis. We then create a spectral window with parameters passed as a dictionary. Then we add a chromosphere and finally call setup to finalize the model setup. We then change the model parameters of the chromosphere and synthesize the spectrum. Access to the synthesized spectra is done on the stokes key of the mod.spectrum dictionary. All the details of the dictionaries to pass and how to generate more complicated atmospheres can be found in Programmatically.

2.2.2. With configuration file

Perhaps the easiest way of running Hazel v2.0 is through the human-friendly configuration files described in Examples. The configuration files used in this section are present in https://github.com/aasensio/hazel2/tree/master/examples Single pixel mode

Calculations in single-pixel mode (only one pixel synthesis/inversion) are very easy to do. The following code uses a configuration file with 1d inputs files, whose format is described in input. The following one carries out synthesis:

mod = hazel.Model('conf_single_syn.ini', working_mode='synthesis')

and this one carries out the inversion:

mod = hazel.Model('conf_single_inv.ini', working_mode='inversion')

Summarizing, just create the model using the configuration file and then call synthesize/invert. Note that we open and close the output because we want to generate a file with the synthetic profiles or the model parameters of the inversion. Serial mode

When many pixels need to be synthesized/inverted, one can pass appropriate input multidimensional files that can deal with many pixels. They can be synthesized in serial mode (using only one CPU) with the following code. It makes use of an iterator, an object that carries out the work for all the pixels in the input files.

iterator = hazel.Iterator(use_mpi=False)
mod = hazel.Model('conf_nonmpi_syn1d.ini')

This case is slightly more complicated. We need to instantiate an iterator, telling it not to use MPI. The, we instantiate the model and pass it to the iterator, which is then used to run through all pixels. MPI mode

When working with many pixels, many-core computers can be used. This will use a parent-worker approach, in which the parent sends pixels to each one of the available workers to do the work. In this case, we tell the iterator to use MPI and act differently for the parent (rank=0) or the salves (rank>0). Note that only the parent reads the configuration file, and it will be broadcasted to all workers internally.

iterator = hazel.Iterator(use_mpi=True)
rank = iterator.get_rank()
mod = hazel.Model('conf_mpi_invh5.ini', rank=rank)