Python wrapperΒΆ

We have developed a wrapper so that the code can be called from Python easily and synthesize Stokes profiles using a simple interface. The wrapper is installed by going to the runPy directory and typing

python build_ext --inplace

It will generate a file appropriate for your architecture, that can be imported from Python. The file shows how to call the wrapper to synthesize the Stokes profiles. In the following we describe the inputs:

Args: (see the manual for the meaning of all of them)
    synModeInput: (int) synthesis mode
    nSlabsInput: (int) number of slabs
    B1Input: (float) vector of size 3 with the magnetic field vector in spherical coordinates for the first component
    B2Input: (float) vector of size 3 with the magnetic field vector in spherical coordinates for the second component
    hInput: (float) height
    tau1Input: (float) optical depth of the first component
    tau2Input: (float) optical depth of the second component
    boundaryInput: (float) vector of size 4 with the boundary condition for (I,Q,U,V)
    transInput: (int) transition to compute from the model atom
    atomicPolInput: (int) include or not atomic polarization
    anglesInput: (float) vector of size 3 describing the LOS
    lambdaAxisInput: (float) vector of size 2 defining the left and right limits of the wavelength axis
    nLambdaInput: (int) number of wavelength points
    dopplerWidth1Input: (float) Doppler width of the first component
    dopplerWidth2Input: (float) Doppler width of the second component
    dampingInput: (float) damping
    dopplerVelocityInput: (float) bulk velocity affecting the first component
    dopplerVelocity2Input: (float) bulk velocity affecting the second component
    ffInput: (float) filling factor
    betaInput: (float) enhancement factor for the source function of component 1 to allow for emission lines in the disk
    beta2Input: (float) enhancement factor for the source function of component 2 to allow for emission lines in the disk
    nbarInput: (float) vector of size 4 to define nbar for every transition of the model atom (set them to zero to use Allen's)
    omegaInput: (float) vector of size 4 to define omega for every transition of the model atom (set them to zero to use Allen's)
    normalization: (int) normalization of the output Stokes parameters (0-> I_max, 1-> I_peak)

    wavelengthOutput: (float) vector of size nLambdaInput with the wavelength axis
    stokesOutput: (float) array of size (4,nLambdaInput) with the emergent Stokes profiles
    epsOutput: (float) array of size (4,nLambdaInput) with the emissivity vector at each wavelength
    etaOutput: (float) array of size (4,4,nLambdaInput) with the propagation matrix at each wavelength